In line with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Guidelines on the Management of Dormant Accounts and Unclaimed Funds issued on 19th, July, 2024, accounts that have remained inactive for 10 years or more are classified as eligible dormant accounts. These include:
Current and savings accounts
Term deposits in local currency
Domiciliary accounts
Deposits for shares and mutual investments
Prepaid card accounts and wallets
Government-owned accounts
Any other deposits or financial assets that may be designated by CBN.
The following are the procedures to reclaim unclaimed balances moved from eligible dormant accounts without transaction over 10 years:
The account owners/beneficial owners can access the list of unclaimed balances transferred to CBN on our website, the CBN website and/or newspaper publications.
The account owner/beneficial owner shall visit any of our branches and complete an ‘Asset Reclaim Form’.
The account owner/beneficial owner shall provide evidence of account ownership, a valid means of identification, evidence of present place of residence, and affidavit on the accuracy of the information to reactivate the account.
For further questions/enquiries, kindly reach out to GTConnect, our fully interactive Contact Centre on +234 201 448 0000, +234 803 900 3900, or +234 802 900 2900, or send an email to
You may escalate to the Consumer Protection Department, CBN when a complaint is not resolved within fifteen (15) working days.
Download the file below to view the list of dormant accounts